Shrimp Scampi with Linguine Recipe: A Delightful Dish for Any Occasion! 🍤🍝

Ever found yourself staring blankly into your fridge, wondering what to make for dinner? Well, my friend, let me introduce you to a super easy and totally delicious dish called Shrimp Scampi with Linguine! This dish is like a warm hug on a plate, perfect for impressing your pals or just treating yourself after a long day. Plus, it's pretty quick to whip up, so you won't be stuck in the kitchen forever. Let's dive into this shrimp-y goodness together! 🎉

The Deets on Shrimp Scampi with Linguine: Recipe & Cooking Instructions

Alright, so here’s the lowdown on making this fab Shrimp Scampi with Linguine. It’s not rocket science; trust me. Even if you’re the type who burns water, you can totally handle this!


  • 8 oz of linguine (that long, flat pasta that looks super fancy 😏)
  • 1 lb of shrimp (peeled and deveined – no one wants to deal with shrimp shells, am I right?)
  • 4 tablespoons of butter (because butter makes everything better, duh 🧈)
  • 4 cloves of garlic (minced; your love for garlic will be well-rewarded 🤤)
  • 1/2 cup of white wine (choose one you’d actually sip, not just the cheap stuff 😅)
  • 1 lemon (juiced and zested; zest is just the fancy term for the yellow part, haha)
  • 1/4 cup of parsley (fresh is best, but dried works if that’s all you have!)
  • Salt and pepper to taste (seasoning is key, folks! 🧂)


  1. Cook the Linguine: Grab a big ol' pot and fill it with water. Toss in some salt and bring it to a boil. When it’s bubbling like a hot tub, throw in your linguine and cook it according to the package instructions. Usually, it’s around 8-10 minutes until it's al dente (fancy term for "not too mushy").

  2. Sauté the Shrimp: While that pasta is doing its thing, heat up a skillet over medium heat and add the butter. Once it’s melted and sizzling, toss in the minced garlic. Oh man, the smell is gonna be heavenly! Let it cook for about a minute until it's fragrant but not burnt (nobody wants bitter garlic, y’know?).

  3. Add the Shrimp: Next, toss those shrimp into the skillet. Cook them for about 2-3 minutes on each side till they turn that beautiful pinkish color. They’re kinda like little sea fairies at this point, transforming into something magical! 🌊✨

  1. Pour in the Wine: Now, let’s get fancy! Pour the white wine in, and let it simmer for a few minutes. This is where the flavor party really starts!

  2. Zest & Juice: Squeeze in the lemon juice and sprinkle in the zest (that’s the yellow stuff, remember?). Give it a good stir. Season with salt and pepper to your liking.

  3. Combine & Serve: By now, your linguine should be done. Drain it and add it to the skillet with the shrimp. Toss everything together like you’re dancing in the kitchen – it should all be beautifully coated in that buttery goodness! Top it off with fresh parsley for a pop of color.

  1. Dig In! Serve this bad boy up on a plate, maybe with some extra lemon wedges on the side, and enjoy your creation! 🍽️


Q: Can I use frozen shrimp?
A: Absolutely! Just make sure to thaw them first. You can run them under some cold water if you’re in a hurry.

Q: What if I don’t like wine?
A: No problemo! You can substitute the wine with chicken broth or even just water. It’ll still taste great!

Q: Can I add veggies?
A: Totally! Spinach, cherry tomatoes, or even some bell peppers would work beautifully. Get creative! 🥦🍅


And there you have it, folks – a simple, mouthwatering Shrimp Scampi with Linguine recipe that’s sure to impress! Whether you’re cooking for a special occasion or just treating yourself on a Tuesday, this dish is a winner. Plus, it’s quick and easy, so you won’t be slaving away in the kitchen for ages. So grab your ingredients, do a little dance while you cook, and get ready to enjoy some shrimp-tastic goodness! Bon appétit! 🍤💖

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