Roasted Butternut Squash Soup: A Cozy Hug in a Bowl đŸđŸ„Ł

Ah, the chill of fall is here and you know what that means
 it’s soup season! Nothing warms the soul quite like a steaming bowl of roasted butternut squash soup. Seriously, if I had a dollar for every time I’ve curled up with this deliciousness, I could probably buy a lifetime supply of squashes. đŸ„° This recipe is not just tasty; it’s like a warm hug from your grandma on a rainy day. So grab your apron (or just a big ol' shirt you don’t mind getting messy), and let’s get cookin’!

Let’s Make Roasted Butternut Squash Soup! đŸ„ł

Alright, my friend! You ready to dive into the world of squash? You might think, “How hard can this be?” Well, I’m here to tell you, if you can roast a veggie, you can make this soup! Honestly, it’s easier than convincing a moose to cross the road (just kidding, they probably do what they want). So here goes:

Ingredients You’ll Need:

  • 1 medium butternut squash (they're kinda like the big pumpkins of the squash family, but sweeter—trust me)
  • 1 onion (the kind that makes you cry, but we’re gonna make it worth your while)
  • 2 garlic cloves (because who doesn’t love garlic? It’s basically magic)
  • 4 cups of veggie broth (or chicken broth if you’re feeling wild)
  • 1 tbsp olive oil (or butter if you wanna indulge)
  • Salt & pepper (to taste, duh)
  • A dash of nutmeg (because it adds that fancy touch)
  • Optional: a swirl of cream or coconut milk for that creamy goodness

Cooking Instructions:

  1. Preheat the Oven: First things first, crank that oven up to 400°F (about 200°C for my friends north of the border). We want to roast that squash until it’s caramelized and sweet, just like your Auntie Sue's famous brownies.

  2. Prep the Squash: Cut that butternut squash in half, scoop out the seeds (just like you’d do with pumpkins), and then drizzle a bit of olive oil on the cut side. Sprinkle some salt and pepper—just imagine you’re seasoning a steak (even though it’s a squash).

  3. Roast It: Place the squash cut-side down on a baking sheet and roast it in the oven for about 40-50 minutes. You want it to be fork-tender. And, oh man, the smell wafting from your oven? Pure bliss!

  1. Cook the Veggies: While that’s roasting, chop up your onion and garlic. In a pot over medium heat, add a splash of olive oil. Toss in the onion and sautĂ© it until it’s soft and translucent (like the friendly ghost of your kitchen). Add the garlic and sautĂ© for a minute—just enough to get that aroma going!

  2. Add Broth & Squash: When the squash is done, scoop out the flesh and toss it into the pot with the sautĂ©ed onion and garlic. Pour in the veggie broth and add a sprinkle of nutmeg. Let it simmer for about 10 minutes. This is when magic happens—so much flavor!

  3. Blend It Up: Now, here’s the fun part. Use an immersion blender (or a regular blender, if you’re feeling brave) and blend until it’s all smooth and creamy. Just be careful not to burn your face off with hot soup! 😅

  1. Taste & Adjust: Give it a taste, and feel free to add more salt, pepper, or that cream if you wanna live your best creamy life.

  2. Serve!: Ladle that beautiful soup into bowls and, if you’re feeling fancy, add a swirl of cream and some crunchy croutons on top. Enjoy it while snuggled under a blanket, binge-watching your favorite show. Perfection!

Fun Facts About Roasted Butternut Squash Soup 🍂

Did you know that butternut squash is technically a fruit? Yep, it’s related to pumpkins and cucumbers—so next time someone asks, “What’s your favourite fruit?”, you can say “butternut squash” and watch their faces. 😂

Historically, butternut squash was first cultivated by Native Americans and has been a staple in their diets for centuries. They knew what’s up! It’s loaded with nutrients, too—think vitamins A and C, potassium, and fiber. Basically, it’s like nature’s multivitamin wrapped in a cozy, sweet package.

FAQ đŸ€”

Q: Can I use frozen butternut squash?
A: Totally! Just skip the roasting part and toss it right into your pot. It’ll cook a bit quicker, so keep an eye on it!

Q: What can I serve with the soup?
A: Grilled cheese is the classic combo! Or some crusty bread. Just be sure to dip it—life’s too short not to dunk your bread, am I right?

Q: How long does this soup last?
A: In the fridge, about 5-7 days. You can also freeze it for up to 3 months. Just make sure you add a little water when reheating; it tends to thicken up like a shy kid at a party.

Conclusion 🎉

And there you have it, folks! A simple, tasty roasted butternut squash soup recipe that’s perfect for those chilly evenings when you just want to feel cozy. Whether you’re new to cooking or a seasoned pro, this soup is sure to bring warmth to your soul and a smile to your face. So grab that squash and get cookin’—you won't regret it! Happy soup-making! đŸ„Łâ€ïž

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