Garlic Herb Roasted Potatoes Recipe

Get ready to fall in love with the simplest, yummiest side dish that’s bound to impress your friends and family! Garlic herb roasted potatoes are not just any potatoes; they’re like little crispy nuggets of joy that will make your taste buds do a happy dance! 🥳✨ Whether it’s a cozy dinner at home or a big gathering, these golden beauties are sure to steal the show. Let’s dive into the deliciousness and talk about how you can whip this up in no time!

🥔 The Garlic Herb Roasted Potatoes Recipe: Cooking Instructions

Alright, so let’s get into it! First off, you’re gonna need some spuds—yep, that’s potatoes for those who don’t speak Canadian. I usually go for baby potatoes because they’re cute and tend to roast up nicely, but honestly, any potato will do. Just grab about 2 pounds of whichever ones you fancy.


  • 2 pounds baby potatoes (or any potatoes you’ve got kickin’ around) 🥔
  • 4 cloves garlic (minced, because duh, we love garlic) 🧄
  • 1/4 cup olive oil (or whatever oil you’ve got in your cupboard) 🍈
  • 2 teaspoons dried herbs (I usually go for rosemary and thyme, but you do you, boo) 🌿
  • Salt and pepper (to taste, but don’t be shy, we’re not baking cookies here! 😉)


  1. Preheat Your Oven: Fire that bad boy up to 400°F (or about 200°C for my metric friends) and let it get nice and toasty while you prep.

  2. Prep Your Potatoes: Give those potatoes a good rinse. If they’re baby potatoes, you can leave them whole, but if you’re using bigger ones, chop them into chunks. No fancy knife skills required here! Just make sure they’re all about the same size so they cook evenly.

  3. Mix That Goodness: In a big bowl, toss your potatoes with the olive oil, minced garlic, dried herbs, and a hefty pinch of salt and pepper. Get in there with your hands and massage those potatoes like you’re giving them a spa day. Trust me; this step is crucial!

  1. Spread ‘Em Out: Line a baking sheet with parchment paper (or just grease it up if you’re feeling wild) and spread those seasoned potatoes out in a single layer. Make sure they’re not all piled up on each other; we want them to roast, not steam, okay?

  2. Roast ‘Em: Slide that baking sheet into the oven and let those puppies roast for about 30-35 minutes. Halfway through, give them a shake or a stir so they get that golden brown goodness all around.

  3. Check for Doneness: After 30 minutes, poke one with a fork. If it slides in easy-peasy, they’re done! If not, toss ‘em back in for a few more minutes.

  1. Serve & Devour: Once they’re done, take them out, and let them cool for a sec. Then, dig in! These bad boys are great as a side or even as a snack while you binge-watch your fave show! 🍿

Pro Tip:

If you wanna get fancy, sprinkle some fresh parsley or a squeeze of lemon juice on top right before serving. It’s like giving your potatoes a little dress-up moment! 🎉


❓ Can I use other herbs?

Absolutely! Use whatever you have on hand. Basil, oregano, or even a bit of chili flakes if you’re feeling spicy! 🌶️

❓ What if I don’t have olive oil?

No biggie! Any cooking oil will work. Canola, avocado, or even butter if you’re feeling indulgent.

❓ Can I make these ahead of time?

For sure! You can prep them a few hours ahead and just roast ’em right before you eat. Or you can make a big batch and reheat them later. They’ll still be tasty!

❓ What can I serve these with?

They go well with pretty much anything—BBQ chicken, steak, or even just a simple salad. Think of them as the versatile BFF of the dinner plate!

A Little History & Conclusion

So, here’s the scoop on garlic herb roasted potatoes. These tasty little guys have been hanging out at dinner tables for ages, and for good reason! Potatoes, in general, have been a staple food across many cultures. People have been roasting, boiling, and mashing them since way back in the day. The combination of garlic and herbs, though? That’s just a match made in foodie heaven!

I remember the first time I made these for my friends—let’s just say the dinner turned into a potato rave. Everyone was clambering for seconds, and I couldn’t help but feel like a culinary rockstar! So, if you’re looking for a quick, easy, and super delicious side dish, you’ve gotta give these garlic herb roasted potatoes a shot. You’ll be bringing the taste of homey comfort food to your table, and who doesn’t love that?

Happy cooking, eh? 🍽️✨

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