Butternut Squash Risotto Recipe 🍂✨

Ah, risotto! The creamy, dreamy dish that sounds all fancy but is actually super chill to make. If you’ve ever felt like you need a hug in a bowl, then butternut squash risotto is your go-to. This dish is like a warm snuggle on a cold day, and trust me, it’s an absolute hit at dinner parties—or even just a solo Netflix binge fest. So grab your spoon and let’s dive in!

How to Make Butternut Squash Risotto: Step by Step 🍚

Alright, my friend, let’s break this down. Making risotto might sound complicated, but it’s basically just a fancy way of saying, “Stir some rice until it’s creamy.” Easy-peasy! Here’s what you need to do:

Ingredients You’ll Need:

  • 1 medium butternut squash 🎃 (the star of the show)
  • 1 cup Arborio rice (the magic rice that gets all creamy)
  • 4 cups chicken or veggie broth (homemade is fab, but store-bought works too)
  • 1 onion, chopped (you'll cry, but it’s worth it)
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced (garlic makes everything better, right?)
  • 1/2 cup white wine (yes, wine! You can sip while you cook 🍷)
  • 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese (because cheese is life)
  • A splash of olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Optional: some fresh sage or thyme if you want to feel fancy 🌿

Cooking Instructions:

  1. Get that squash ready! Peel (or don’t, I won’t judge) and chop your butternut squash into bite-sized pieces. Toss 'em in a bit of olive oil, sprinkle some salt, and roast 'em in the oven at 400°F (200°C) for about 20-25 minutes. You want them tender and a little caramelized. Yum!

  2. While that’s roasting, grab a pot and heat up your broth on the stove. Keep it warm but not boiling. You want it cozy, like a warm blanket on a chilly day.

  3. In another pan, add a splash of olive oil and toss in your chopped onion. Sauté that bad boy until it’s soft and translucent. Then add the minced garlic and stir for another minute. Your kitchen is about to smell unreal!

  1. Time to add the rice! Pour in the Arborio rice and stir it around for a couple of minutes until it’s all coated in the oil and starting to look a bit translucent. It’s like giving it a warm hug before the real fun begins.

  2. Now, let’s get saucy—add the white wine! It’ll bubble and hiss, and you’ll feel like a pro chef. Stir until it’s mostly absorbed, and then it’s time to get serious about the broth.

  3. One ladle at a time! Start adding the warm broth. Stir, wait until it’s absorbed, and repeat. This is where the magic happens. It’ll take about 18-20 minutes. Just keep stirring and tasting! If you feel like it’s getting too thick, just add a bit more broth.

  1. When the rice is creamy and al dente, mix in your roasted butternut squash and Parmesan cheese. Stir it all together until it’s a beautiful orange hue. Don’t forget to season with salt and pepper!

  2. Serve it up, sprinkle with some fresh herbs if you’re feeling fancy, and enjoy! 🍽️


Q: Can I make this vegetarian?
A: Absolutely! Just use veggie broth and skip the cheese if you want. It’ll still be delish!

Q: Can I use another type of squash?
A: For sure! Any squash you like, but butternut is kinda the MVP here.

Q: How do I know when the risotto is done?
A: It should be creamy and the rice should have a slight bite to it. Not mushy! More like a gentle hug 😄.

The History of Butternut Squash Risotto: A Cozy Comfort Food Journey 🌍

So, let’s chat about where this creamy goodness came from. Risotto hails from Italy, where they’ve been perfecting it since, like, forever. The Italians are all about that slow-cooked rice life, and they’ve got it down to an art! The secret lies in the stirring—lots of love and patience are involved. Butternut squash? It’s a North American gem, especially popular in the fall. When you put these two together, it’s like a culinary hug that warms your soul.

The first time I had butternut squash risotto was at this cute little Italian joint in Toronto. I was like, “What is this magical potion?” and now I can’t get enough. It’s become my go-to comfort food, especially when it’s sweater weather outside. And let’s be real, there’s something about the creamy texture and the sweet, nutty flavor of butternut squash that just makes everything better.

Conclusion 🎉

So there you have it, my friend! Butternut squash risotto is easy to whip up (even if you’re not a kitchen whiz) and totally satisfying. It’s perfect for impressing guests or just treating yourself on a cozy night in. Grab a bowl, dig in, and enjoy every creamy spoonful! Happy cooking! 🥳

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